Sabtu, 19 Mei 2018


NPM     : 10114467

1a. The Simple Past Tense : S + V2 + O
1                    He did not need money last week
2                    He lived in the big city last year
3                    Did he hear thunder last night?
4                    Did you stop your car when I crossed?
5                    We did not meet Cila last year
6                    They walked to the jungle when hiking last month
7                    They died yesterday
8                    She was here before you came
9                    He wasn’t ugly when I met him in the first time
10                They were over there when you arrived

1b. The Past Continuous Tense : S + was/were + verb+ing + O
1.                  Cila was swimming before lunch yesterday
2.                  Cloe was not cleaning the room yesterday
3.                  Were they sailing last week?
4.                  He was not painting an hour
5.                  My mother was cooking when I came home.
6.                  Heri was eating when his father called him.
7.                  Dodi was not studying for the final examination.
8.                  was not talking to you, but to Doni.
9.                  was not reading a novel, I was reading a comic.
10.              Was she calling you this morning?

1c.  The Past Perfect Tense : S +had + V3 + O
1.                  Had Donita given him a lot of money since he arrived?
2.                  My grand father had not taken this medicine since 2014
3.                  Sinta had loved by Andrew so much
4.                  Kevin just had sat to read this newspaper when the phone rang
5.                  Budiman had lived in Lubuk Linggau since ten years ago
6.                  had given many gift since I was child
7.                  Sujatmoko had an English teacher since 1970
8.                  I knew it was Cila who had taken the money
9.                  They had gone there before
10.              Guntur had not loved her for a long time

Id. The Past Perfect Continuous Tense : S +had been + verb-ing + O
1.                  When Maya visited Marry she had been bringing her a fruit parcel
2.                  My parents had been talking me that my grand father died before you did
3.                  had been coping all documents before you burned them last week.
4.                  I was crying because the movie had been making me so emotional
5.                  had been talking you many times when you asked me about her
6.                  The researcher had been looking for a new medicine to cure cancer
7.                  Rani had been inviting all people in class to joined her in her party
8.                  The clowns had been joking during the carnival
9.                  had been painting the wall in my house for a week without anyone help
10.              He had been moving to the other city when you looked for him in his house

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